Ensure The California Dental Hygiene Program Is Accredited

Once you have found one of the dental hygiene schools in California that offers the dental hygienist training that a student wants, it is important to make sure that the college is properly accredited. Going to a school that is accredited will positively affect the chances of employment after graduating from the dental hygienist training. Most dental hygienist training programs can be found at four year universities, as well as community colleges or technical colleges.

Once accepted and starting classes, there are a few course requirements for the dental hygienist training program. The general curriculum for students falls into three areas. These are liberal arts, basic sciences, and clinical sciences. Clinical sciences will be the courses that are geared directly towards the field of dental hygienist training. Most schools will also have tutorials with patients that will show students good bed side manner and for students to get a feel of the real thing. These are closely monitored since students are still in the dental hygienist training program.

Once a degree has been earned from one of the dental hygiene schools in California, the student still has to get properly licensed by the State of California where the student will be employed. The requirements for being licensed is that the student must have graduated from a training program. The student must also pass the written examination given by the appropriate examination body. There is also a clinical examination to be passed that is given by the State or region in which the student is seeking employment.

These licenses do have to be renewed on occasion which will require taking supplemental classes on new technologies or techniques in dental hygienist training. Becoming a dental hygienist can take anywhere from two to four years, depending upon which of the dental hygiene schools in California a person chooses. The job outlook for those who graduate from a dental hygienist training program is significantly higher than other careers, as it is always in demand and will remain very secure for a long time. This security will enable the student to feel more peaceful about his or her life.

Which are the top dental hygienist programs?

The best dental hygiene schools in California are the ones approved by the ADA. California residents who are thinking about pursuing a career in dental hygiene should know that they are first required by the state to complete an ADA-approved registered Dental Hygienist (RDH) training program. Dental hygiene schools in California are approved at the state level by various agencies.

This depends on the type of degree being provided by a particular training institution. The state uses the Dental Hygiene Committee of California to grant licensure to qualified California Dental Hygienists Candidates who have never attended dental hygiene schools in California are first required to meet the following requirements before they can be allowed to practice as dental hygienists: Dentists practicing in other states have the freedom to apply for "license by credential" via the Dental Hygiene Committee of California (DHCC). The "license by credential" process allows candidates to forgo the California's licensing examination requirement. Students in dental hygiene schools in California who are either in their third or fourth year of study can also apply to take the state's dental hygiene licensing exam.

The curriculum for dental hygiene schools in California

Dental hygiene schools in California typically offer a two year associate level degree programs. Individual educational providers are allowed to come up with their own class schedules and curse offering but all ADA approved dental hygiene schools in California must provide students with:

Students taking classes on one of various approved dental schools in California are taught various academic and clinical subject areas including dental practice, anatomy, pharmacology, physiology, microbiology, sociology, chemistry, English, immunology, radiology among others.

Besides the academic component, students have the opportunity to work directly with patients in a clinical setting. This is to prepare them for both state and national licensing examinations.

Programs offered in dental hygiene schools in California

DHCC has approved 28 dental hygiene schools in California that offer approved RDH training. The schools include community colleges and four year training institutions.

Benefits of training in dental hygiene schools in California

Students who graduate from approved dentistry programs and pass both the state and national licensing exam are allowed to practice in California as a dental hygienist.

Popular California Dental Hygienist Schools

Riverside Community College

This is one of the dental hygiene schools in California. It was founded in 1916 and provides more than 100 certificate and associate's degree programs. It has capacity train more than 36,000 students in the main campus in Riverside and four additional campuses in southern California.

Associates in science in dental hygiene

This is a two year program that requires prospective students wishing to join satisfy prerequisites in physiology, anatomy, microbiology, math and English in addition to being CPR certified. The colleges enrolls 20 candidates to the dental hygiene program every fall semester. There are several other dental hygiene schools in California not mentioned above.

What Does A Dental Hygiene Graduate Do?

Someone with the desire to help people and the willingness to undergo studies at one of the dental hygiene schools in California can find that within a period of between two and six years, he or she can step into a professional career. This career path can even include obtaining a master's degree. Obviously, a candidate in this field can anticipate classes in laboratory procedures, clinical dental practices, diseases of the mouth and gums and anatomy. But, the dental hygienist can also expect to become familiar with other fields such as chemistry, pharmacology Periodontics, and nutrition.

Along with the coursework, there will be plenty of hands-on training and instruction. For a dental hygienist, most of the work will be done in the dental clinic itself. In some cases, the hygienist works part time or is able to create a flexible schedule. Sometimes that will mean working independently, but at other times she will work under the supervision of a dentist. The dental hygienist also plays an educational role in explaining dental hygiene practices and post surgical care to patients. Much of that work will involve teeth cleaning and patient preparation for the dentist.

The professional cleaning the hygienist performs will remove plaque and tartar and clean stained teeth, but it also gives the hygienist the chance to carry out another important function. The hygienist will check for gum disease and give instruction on how to prevent it. If necessary, they will develop a treatment plan with the patient. Some of these job duties will require a certain facility with hands-on skills. Unfortunately, a dental hygienist can also anticipate needing some skill in calming nervous patients.

This is where the hygienist's ability to work with people becomes extremely important. A nervous patient can be a danger to himself and to the dentist. No clinic will ever undervalue the importance of this task. More duties that were traditionally carried out by the dentist are now performed by dental hygienists, freeing the dentist for other duties. With the growth of the dental hygienist's responsibilities and the increasing awareness of oral health care issues, clinics are finding it difficult to fill all the positions that are coming available.

This demand means that someone entering the field is guaranteed to find a job following completion of training. Men and women both have found great satisfaction working in dental hygiene because it's a job with a chance to help people, with professional responsibilities and with a good paying salary. Someone wishing to enter the field should check listings of various educational facilities to begin at one of the Dental Hygiene schools in California.

What do California Dental Hygienist students do once they graduate?

Dental hygienists are a part of a growing field that is expected to increase by 40% before the year 2020. There will be a lot of work available for individuals who desire to enter into this type of occupation. Many hygienists work inside of private practices but they also carry out their duties in physician's offices, nursing homes and hospitals. They give their patients dental tips.

The demand for practicing hygienists will increase due to an expanding population and an increase of elderly people. Many dental practices are expected to hire more hygienists to meet this demand. Most hygienists work part-time hours at a particular office. They typically do not work more than 35 hours a week at a given location. Nearly 96% of all hygienists have to work at least two or more practices in order to make 40 hours a week. When a hygienist is first hired they usually have to work evenings and weekends. Many physicians' offices do not stay open past 7 p.m. so they will not have to work overnight hours.

Hygienists can also be expected to work on some major holidays such as the 4th of July or Martin Luther King's Day. A typical work day for a dental hygienist includes coming in early and preparing their work location for patients. Their duties include assessing a patient's oral health, reviewing a patient's health history, removing calculus and plaque from teeth, applying sealants and fluorides, using fluoride with providing oral care and they teach patients how to properly maintain their oral health. They can also take x- rays and perform dental office management. Some hygienists are responsible for closing down a dental practice at the end of the day. All of these skills are learned by the New Grad while attending one of the dental hygiene schools in California.

Hygienists can administer anesthesia but only under the direct supervision of a licensed dentist. Hygienists can also implement direct restoration to a patient's mouth as long a dentist is on the premises to check and supervise their work. Individuals who are work within this field have a lot of responsibilities but there are some duties that they are not licensed to perform. They cannot create treatment plans or diagnose patients any type of dental service other than oral hygiene. They also cannot adjust any correctional or prosthetic oral devices since they are not authorized to do so by law and using drugs other than fluoride is also prohibited. These are but a few of the activities that dental hygienists are not licensed or trained to perform.

Some people consider a dental hygienist and a dental assistant to b one and the same but there is a difference between the two occupations. A dental assistant can perform certain functions like a dental hygienist but they cannot do the more advanced tasks such as conducting oral health examinations or clean or polishing teeth. Hygienists are usually trained at a two-year college and have at least an Associate's degree. A dental assistant usually has a certificate or a diploma and less formal education. Community colleges, universities, technical colleges and dental hygiene schools in California all offer dental programs.

An associate's degree is needed to work in the field of dental hygiene. This degree is the most common type that is required for entry level positions. Bachelor and masters degree programs are also offered. There are many dental schools and programs located throughout the nation that offer this type of instruction. Many programs will instruct students in areas such as chemistry, physiology, anatomy, histology, pharmacology, microbiology, and nutrition. Students enrolled in 1 of the dental hygiene schools in California will also receive laboratory, clinical and classroom instruction. They will learn how to properly use dental hygiene equipment and some of the business aspects of working inside of a dental practice.

Some dental programs teach students about an advance form of dental care and these programs usually geared toward a specialized area within this field. Bachelors and masters programs usually administer a higher level of dental hygienist education. There are over 300 accredited dental programs. It is extremely important for people who are interested in this line of work to receive their instruction from an accredited education or training program. The Commission on Dental Accreditation is one organization that establishes teaching standards for these schools.

Many states also have their own accreditation standards as well. Hygienists must be licensed by the state where they perform their services. Graduating from one of the 28 dental hygiene schools in California is a requirement for licensure. Dental hygienist's associations such as the American Dental Association (ADA) provide exams and states provide licensing agencies for hygienists too. Other important qualifications for this type of work include having strong interpersonal skills and knowing how to work unsupervised and with small groups. Hygienists must also be steady with their hands and have good manual dexterity in order to manipulate instruments that are needed for this line of work.

They should also be people friendly since they will be working inside of an individual's mouth. Since many dental hygienists work inside of a dental office they will encounter the business end of the practice. Dental practices are businesses and hygienists are sometimes expected to carry out some business functions such as scheduling appointments and talking to patients about their insurance or payment options. They might also have to explain to patients about the costs associated with the type of services that they will be receiving during a visit.

Dental Hygienist Salary

Dental hygienists enjoy fairly decent wages. The average salary for people within this line of work is about $50,000 a year. The lowest paid workers within this profession make about $40,000 annually. They are typically paid between $18 and $40 an hour. Many hygienists do not work full time hours but they do receive some benefits from their employers. Paid vacation, sick leave and retirement plans are common types of employment benefits that workers receive.

Many hygienists have to pay for their own medical insurance and they typically do not receive discounted or free oral care. Here is a list of important information that highlights the dental hygienist profession:

Becoming a dental hygienist can be a rewarding career for individuals that are interested in this particular occupation. People who are interested in this type of work as a career should contact some nearby dental hygiene schools in California to find out what they need to do in order to begin their training.

Difference Between Dental Hygiene Schools In California and Dentist Training

For those who are interested in pursuing a dental career the first thing they need to consider is that the two leading jobs in the field are very similar in nature yet also separated by a lot of education and clinical duties. Training and education to become a full blown dentist is much longer than dental hygiene schools in California. The difference mostly lies in the scope of their responsibilities and the years of education that they require. Here is a quick dive into the differences. First of all the dentist will be the one responsible for patient treatment. This means all of the surgical procedures, check-ups and major operations will be handled by the dentist himself.

Most of the time the dentist won't be seen doing any office work such as filing documents, keeping records and managing all of the schedules and contacts within the office; that job goes to the dental assistant. When there are minor patient care treatments like cleaning, checking for cavities and stains, check-ups around the gum and for signs of cancer, these responsibilities fall under the hands of a dental hygienist. The dental hygienist is also responsible for perfecting and tuning up the fillings that the doctor had done for the patient, is responsible for preparing clinical equipment that will be used, is responsible for helping the patient wash his mouth during procedures and is the person that gives basic lectures about oral care and hygiene after a dental procedure.

In many ways, after finishing their training at one of the closest dental hygiene schools in California, they function like minor dentists and they help the dentist with his or her responsibilities. In order for one to become a dentist one has to undertake a four year bachelor course and then four years doctoral courses. When all of those are completed the student still needs to finish one year of on the job training which is referred to as a residency program since they will work as a resident worker in a dental clinic or hospital. During that time they will handle real cases with actual patients but they will be constantly supervised.

After that program has been completed they can qualify for the certification and licensure examination. Dental hygiene schools in California, in all essence of the word, is much simpler. The training can usually take up to just two years worth of education or approximately twenty-four months of dental hygienist training. The student will learn the basics of anatomy, the functions and common cases concerning oral health, oral management and oral care, physiology and dental procedures. Besides basic classroom discussions you will receive clinical training to learn hands-on how to handle patients in a dental clinic. Some training facilities actually allow their students to work with real patients while most usually use a dummy with all of the oral parts included for proper demonstration.

As mentioned the usual case involves finishing a two-year associate's degree and the only requirement needed is a high school diploma or a GED equivalent. Another thing to take note of is that the certification program usually requires a person to have a clean record so misdemeanors and recent criminal cases must be out of the question for at least five years. When the two years of education have been achieved and the clinical training is sufficient the student now qualifies to take the state certification exam. The examination usually consists of a written half and then a practical clinical test where several situations shall be conducted on a mock clinic setting.

The details of each certification requirement may differ from state to state but the overall standards include the associate's degree and a confirmation of clinical training hours. Once the certification process has been completed one can already work in the clinic as a dental hygienist. Of course you can still go further. Taking an extra two to four years of education and training on top of the associate's degree to earn a bachelor's or master's degree can give you a job as a teacher or clinical trainer at one of the dental hygiene schools in California.

Most of the time however you will be required to have at least two years of actual field work experience before you qualify to become a trainer in a school or training facility. These positions are mostly for those who have already gotten the most out of their time in the field and want to experience something new with the education and training that they have received.

Online Training for Dental Hygiene

Sometimes however a person doesn't have all the time in the world to go to a campus to take up classes. Usually this conflict in schedule is brought upon by other responsibilities like a regular day-job or having to handle children at home. People this busy usually dismiss the notion of going to school but now with modern technology they can still receive the amount of education required with online training courses. They can receive all of the lectures and paperwork online. They still need to report to a campus over the course of training in order to complete their clinical training.

Without the practical training they will not even qualify for the certification exam and if they did they have a very high chance of failing because of the lack of experience of handling the situation beyond what they learned on paper or in front of a computer. Still the option for online training is available for those who cannot completely commit to studying in a physical campus due to scheduling or other conflicts. Being a dental hygienist is a very fulfilling job. You get to help other people and you have the confidence to be proud that you are working in a very professional field. Most dental hygienists earn an annual income of sixty thousand dollars ($60,000) and this can go a bit higher when one finishes a bachelor's degree or master's degree to become a dental hygienist instructor for those in a school taking dental hygienist training.

All in all dental hygiene schools in California are a bit difficult and it does require a lot of attention and dedication but the rewards one can reap are definitely worth the effort on a long term basis. Once you've completed your program from one of the many dental hygiene schools in California, you should have one simple goal: to provide yourself with the resources you need to best prepare yourself to embark on an exciting career as a dental hygienist.

While many individuals are drawn to this career because of the outstanding dental hygienist salary, there are many other facets of this role which can provide a gratifying career experience. If you've had the opportunity to speak with a practicing dental hygienist in California, you've very likely already heard that this field can provide a terrific lifestyle while at the same time offering an individual many opportunities to have a direct impact on the quality of life of their patients each and every day. While the dental hygienist holds many clinical responsibilities directly related to the patient treatment process, they also play a key role in educating patients on proper dental hygiene techniques.

The role of the dental hygienist has become a cornerstone within the operations of nearly any dental practice, regardless of size, and as such, there are typically openings available in all areas and regions of the country. The dental hygienist is also employed in a wide variety of health care settings. While many individuals will be employed in private dental practices, the position is also employed within nursing home facilities, health clinics, many schools and universities, correctional facilities, and even in research institutions.

While the dental hygienist salary can vary widely depending on the employment setting, the range of options for finding employment can ensure that an individual is able to find a position that matches their unique skills and interests, while at the same time providing ample career advancement opportunities. We hope that you'll take some time after your years of training at one of the dental hygiene schools in California to find more information about employment. You may want to take a look at an Internet Dental Hygienist Jobs page to get a feel for open positions in your area.

Typical Workday For A Dental Hygienist

If you have chosen to pursue a career as a dental hygienist, you should feel confident knowing that you have chosen a very rewarding career path that offers excellent job prospects and job security as well as a very solid salary. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment for this profession is expected to increase 36 percent by 2018 and the median annual salary of 2008 was $66,000. So, what does a typical workday look like for a dental hygienist? Let's take a look at some of the major tasks you can expect to complete on any given workday after you graduate from your choice of the dental hygiene schools in California.

As a dental hygienist, you can expect to greet patients and address any questions or concerns they may have. These patients will likely be scheduled in for the day. You can expect to examine these patients' medical and dental history before treating them and performing any procedures. When providing treatment for patients, you will be applying fluoride and other protective sealants. All dental hygienists are trained to use special tools to remove tartar, stains and plaque from above and below patients' gumlines. If you do become a dental hygienist, you should be prepared to do this routinely.

Another major function of a dental hygienist is to develop, analyze and interpret x-rays. You will likely be taking patients' x-rays each workday as a dental hygienist. On a typical workday, you will also be administering anesthetics. Your education and training will have taught you how to do this properly, as you must follow strict regulations. You should also be prepared to educate patients about important issues in oral health care, such as brushing techniques, the importance of flossing and nutritional information. It is important that you are friendly and articulate when educating your patients as a dental hygienist.

You must be highly skilled and qualified in order to work as a dental hygienist. In order to ensure that only the best candidates become dental hygienists, candidates must pass through rigorous educational, training and State licensure requirements. After passing through all this, you will be able perform dental hygiene procedures on patients, take and interpret x-rays, administer anesthetics and educate patients about the importance of good oral health care.

Dental Hygiene Schools | How to Get your Degree on a Small Budget

As many look to dental hygiene schools in California to begin their career, soon realize that the cost of Dental Hygiene schools is rising and it is financially out of their reach. As an option some people will decide to start their work career as a dental assistant (which in most states do not require accreditation via the Dental Hygiene Schools Accreditation program). The good news is some dental offices will offer paid tuition for someone seeking a career as a dental hygienist, so you can start as a dental assistant to gain tuition reimbursement.

Cosmetic Dentistry - An Industry Growing at Record Speed

For those looking for a popular career in Dental Hygiene, one of the up and coming programs in the Dental Industry is cosmetic dentistry. Cosmetic dentistry is among many programs offered at dental hygiene schools and this program specializes in procedures aiming at improving the aesthetic appearance of a patient's mouth. Practitioners of dental surgery are very popular today.

The number of individuals aspiring to become cosmetic dental hygienists is expected to increase until the year 2018.

Why people choose to become dental hygienists

There are various reasons people choose to become dental hygienists. Some of the real reasons include relatively high pay, career development opportunities, and flexible working hours. Being a dental hygienist may also offer a person sense of satisfaction that they are helping people by providing oral treatment and care.

Dental hygienist schools and careers

The United States Department of Labor considers a career in dental hygiene one of the most "winning" careers in the year 2014. This is the reason why there are more dental hygiene schools across the country now than there were a few years ago. The Department of Labor continues to say that there were a total number of 174,000 job opportunities in this field in the year 2015. By 2018, it foresees a 36% increase meaning there will be 237,000 job opportunities by then. This explains why a lot of people are choosing to become dental hygienists.

Choosing the best dental hygienist schools in California

You become a dental hygienist by first enrolling in one of many dental hygienist schools available across the United States. Different schools offer different programs. The program you choose to attend depends on the level of educational attainment you have achieved. Remember when choosing a program among the available dental hygienist schools to choose ones that are accredited by the American Dental Hygienists' Association (ADHA).

Various dental hygiene schools in California offer various programs. Remember the program you choose to attend has an impact on job opportunities you are bound to find available after graduation. You can become a dental hygienist by taking a two year associate program. Those looking forward to practice research or teaching need to take a four year bachelor's degree program. Some dental hygiene schools also offer master's and doctorate programs.

People who are thinking about a change in career can think about becoming a dental hygienist. You don't have to enroll full time but can enroll for accredited online dental hygiene program that allows you to work and study consecutively.

About the Dental Hygiene Program at Taft College

Taft College Dental Hygiene: The Beginning

The Dental Hygiene program in Taft, California, was started in the early 1990's at which time was the first opened in California in more than twenty years. The Taft College Dental Hygiene program funding was arranged by the dental community in Kern County & Taft College's educational Foundation. This Dental Hygiene program has American Dental Association accredited, and proudly provides professional dental services to special needs organizations and the surrounding Kern County communities, including under-served populations in Bakersfield.

How the Dental Hygiene Program at Taft College Works

The Taft College Dental Hygiene Program is a structured full-time, 2 year course which culminates in a Dental Hygiene Associate Degree. The purpose of Taft College's Dental Hygiene program is to properly prepare the students to offer therapeutic, educational, and preventative dental care that is aimed to foster complete healthcare by promoting optimal oral care.

In order to successfully pass the dental hygienist course and become a Registered Dental Hygienist in the State of California, students must first study for, take, & pass the National Board Examination written test during the 2nd year of the Taft dental hygiene program. After graduating from the Taft College Dental Hygiene Program and passing the National Board Examination, the newly minted dental hygienist is awarded a license to work in Dental Hygiene in the State of California. More information is available at Student Services at Taft College.

Dental Hygiene Program Goals:

Mission Statement of The Taft College Dental Hygiene Program

The Dental Hygiene Program at Taft College has the mission of providing the students with a setting that is educational, challenging, & student-friendly which will produce California Registered Dental Hygienists that are ethically & morally strong, compassionate, technically proficient, and knowledgeable, and who will uphold the quality standards of the dental profession while ensuring all patients are treated with dignity & kindness.